ፍኖተ ደሞክራሲ የኢትዮጲያ ኣንዲነት ዲምጽ የኦገስት 25/2013 ዘና ዘገባ፡ ትንታኔ እና ቃለ መጠይቅ እዚህ ላይ በመጠቆም ያድሚጡ
I am ambitious to see a true democracy, justice and equality particularly in Ethiopia and generally in the world.
Yakob's Point of Views and News, Ethiopian politics and News, Cultures, Musics etc
Tuesday, August 27, 2013
Sunday, August 25, 2013
Some marched for freedom; others gathered for condominium
By Sadik Ahmed
August 21, 2013
Ethiopians and Ethiopian Americans held a joint rally in front of US State Department on Tuesday. Amid the government’s massive propaganda to divide the nation, the participants were adamant to uphold their mutual values not as people who share a land but as a people who have shared blood.
The demonstrators have uncovered what they call a plot to occupy the diaspora airwaves through corruption and cadres. However, they have stated clearly: those who collaborate with this dictatorial regime will be isolated and held accountable before each and every community.
Sheik Khalid Omer is an Imam for an Ethiopian Muslims' prominent organization called First Hijrah. On his motivational speech during the demonstration, he said: "We chose peaceful struggle not because of our fear for the Ethiopian government but due to its effectiveness on this generation. We will protest peacefully till the dictatorial regime responds to our demands."
"The Ethiopian regime has lost everything; all attempts to divide the nation have failed miserably; the regime has one remaining item, and that is ETV. They want to dispatch the same ETV propaganda through their puppets in DC airwaves by wasting tax payers money. The dollar is good for those who work on it, but dollar is very bad for those who happen to be enslaved by it. Some of the DC radios possibly sold their integrity for fear mongering but the wisdom of Ethiopians will render useless their evil plot through love and unity," said Yohannes Takele, a distinguished activist in Washington DC metropolitan area.
Officials and state department representatives from African desk have received a letter from the demonstrators. The enthusiastic slogans in English and Amharic were unwavering. Poems were read out and vows of commitment and unity declared till noon.
“All prisoners of conscience in Ethiopia could have different cases but they have one destiny; surely their destiny is ours; their pain inside notorious Ethiopian prisons is ours; we don’t have boundary due to our religion or ethnic background; we will struggle for freedom and justice for our beloved motherland until the malicious minority authoritarian regime surrenders power to the people or is deposed,” the demonstrators declared in unified consensus at the end of the rally.
Amid this demonstration in front of the State Department, some people gathered inside Ethiopian embassy, not to demonstrate but to register their names for condominiums in Ethiopia, our sources have confirmed.
Our sources also complained that the Ethiopian government is using condominiums as a weapon to silence diaspora. It is an exercise in futility as people of conscience definitely prefer freedom to life of servitude.
Wednesday, August 21, 2013
ወ/ት ሐዲያ ሙሀመድ ከሳምንታት የእስር ቤት ስቃይ በሁዋላ ተፈታች
ነሃሴ ፲፬(አስራ አራት)ቀን ፳፻፭ ዓ/ም ኢሳት ዜና :- የአንድነት ፓርቲ የወላይታ ዞን ከፍተኛ አመራር የሆነቸው ወ/ት አዲያ አህመድ ከሀምሌ 22 ቀን 2005 ዓም ጀምሮ ከፍተኛ የሆነ ስቃይ እስር ቤት ውስጥ ከደረሰባት በሁዋላ በዛሬው እለት በዋስ ተፈታለች።
ወ/ት ሐዲያ እንዳለችው መርማሪ ፖሊሶቹ በቁጥጥር ስር ያዋሉዋት አንድነት ፓርቲ ሀምሌ 28 በሶዶ ከተማ ሊያደርገው የነበረውን ህዝባዊ ስብሰባ በተመለከተ የቅስቀሳ ወረቀቶችን መበተኑዋን ተከትሎ ነው።
ፖሊሶቹ በሀድያ ጉዳይ አንድነትን ከድምጻችን ይሰማ የሙስሊሞች እንቅስቃሴ ጋር በማያያዝ ለመወንጀል ቢፈልጉም፣ ሀድያ ባሳየችው ያቋም ጽናት ሳይሳካለቸው ቀርቷል።
መርማሪ ፖሊሶች ” ገልብጠን እንገርፍሻለን፣ አንገትንሽን ጠምዝዘን ገደል እንወረውረዋለን፣ ቀደም ሲል የታሰሩ እስረኞች እንዳወቁበት እወቂ” የሚሉና ሌሎችንም የማስፈራሪያ ቃላት በመጠቀም እነሱ አዘጋጅተው ባመጡት ወረቀት ላይ እንድትፈርም ለማድረግ ቢሞክሩም፣ ሀድያ ለማስፈራሪያው ልትንበረከክ አለመቻሉን ተናግራለች ( )በታሰረችበት እስር ቤት መጸዳጃ ቤቱ ሞልቶ በምኝታቸው ላይ ይፈስ እንደነበር የምትለው ሐድያ፣ የወላይታ እስር ቤት የምድር ሲኦል ነው በማለት በእስር ቤቱ ውስጥ ያየችውን በዝርዝር ለኢሳት ተናግራለች። ከወ/ት ሀድያ ሙሀመድ ጋር ያደረግነውን ሙሉ ቃለምልልስ ሰሞኑን እናቀርባለን ።
በዚህ አጋጣሚ ወ/ት ሀድያ ወደ ፍርድ ቤት ስትሄድ በመቆያነት ታስራበት የነበረውን ጊዜያዊ እስር ቤት ከፊል ገጽታ በፎቶ በማንሳት ላካፈለን የአንድነት ፓርቲ የደቡብ ተወካይ አቶ ዳንኤል ሽበሺ ከፍተኛ ምስጋናችንን ለመግለጽ እንወዳለን።
Thursday, August 8, 2013
Amnesty International: Ethiopian repression of Muslim protests must stop
August 8, 2013
Amnesty International on Ethiopian Muslims
Young Ethiopian Muslim girl, attacked by Ethiopian government forces during Eid al-Fitr celebrations in Addis Ababa. August 08, 2013
The Ethiopian government must end its use of repressive tactics against demonstrators, following initial reports of widespread arrests of Muslim protestors during this morning’s Eid al-Fitr celebrations, said Amnesty International today.
“We are extremely concerned at reports coming out of Ethiopia this morning of further widespread arrests of Muslim protesters. The Ethiopian government’s ongoing repressive crackdown on freedom of speech and the right to peacefully protest has to end now,” said Claire Beston, Amnesty International’s Ethiopia researcher.
Last week, another incident related to the protests reportedly ended in the deaths of an unconfirmed number of people in the town of Kofele in Oromia region.
During the 18 month-long protest movement against alleged government interference in Islamic affairs, the vast majority of demonstrations have been peaceful. However, there have been at least four incidents involving serious allegations of the excessive use of force by security forces against demonstrators in the long-running movement. While a few isolated incidents of violence involving protestors have occurred, these have taken place during episodes where excessive police force is alleged.
“These reports of further deaths in the context of the Muslim protest movement are deeply worrying. There must be an immediate, independent and impartial investigation into the events in Kofele, as well as into the four incidents last year which resulted in the deaths and injuries of protestors,” said Claire Beston.Please to read more open the link http://ecadforum.com/2013/08/08/amnesty-international-ethiopian-repression-of-muslim-protests/
Tuesday, August 6, 2013
Ethiopia sees Muslim anti-government protests
Editor's Note - The government has accused Moslem protesters in Kofele, Oromia region, of killing three policemen on Saturday. Three policemen may have been killed, but it is almost always true the policemen are killed by the government itself for two purposes: a) The number of civilians massacred by government forces is high and there should be a cover-up story to offset the crime, and b) and that cover-up story should be to project the unarmed civilian protesters as "armed and dangerous." This has been the modus operandi of the regime since it fired its way to power in 1991.
Dr. Wondimu says Semhal Meles deposits $5 billion
July 26, 2013
De Birhan
የመለስ ዜናዊ የመጀመሪያ ልጅ ሰመሃል መለስ ኒው ዮርክ ውስጥ በሚገኝ አንድ ባንክ ውስጥ 5 ቢሊዮን ዶላር በ2011 ኣስገብታለች። ይህን ያሉት እንግሊዝ አገር እሚገኙት ምሁር እና የመንግስት ተቃዋሚ የሆኑት ዶክተር ወንድሙ መኮንን ናቸው። ዶክተር ወንድሙ የቼኩን ኮፒ አያይዘው ለእንግሊዝ ፓርላማ ሃውስ ኦፍ ኮመንስ አቅርበዋል። ሙሉውን እዚህ ያገኛሉ
Semehal Meles Zenawi, the daughter of the late Ethiopian Prime Minister Meles Zenawi
Semehal Meles Zenawi, the daughter of the late Ethiopian Prime Minister Meles Zenawi, “has deposited $5 billion in one of the banks in New York”, said Dr. Wondimu Mekonnen, an academic and opposition figure, during a recent presentation at the House of Commons in the U.K.
Please reed more from the link
Sunday, August 4, 2013
By 4589 | Posted 11 hours ago 1K
August 3, 2013 - Ethiopian government forces open fire on unarmed demonstrators throughout the country, killing 25 and injuring dozens more, according to Ethiopian activists who took part in the demonstrations.
One witness says at least one child was among the the dead. He also stated government security forces arrested over 1,500 protesters on Friday.
For over a year, Ethiopian Muslims have been holding peaceful protests and mosque sit-ins over the regime's human rights abuses against their community and interference in their religion. For more inf see linken http://ireport.cnn.com/docs/DOC-1015286
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