by Samrawit Tessema
As a poet and writer, I know, as much as any artist, that words touch people. The way I have touched people and the way that people have touched me were done artistically.
Gossaye Kellemu, also known as Jacky Gosee, has touched me in a way others artists didn’t. That came from the simplest fact that he is one of the few people that helps me remember Ethiopia in a way that others don’t. Jacky Gosee has shown us that love, faith, pride and hope is what makes Ethiopians special. Not by the materialistic objects, but by the faith of our God. Not by the ethnic division, but by the touch of one hand. Not by separation, but by unification. Unification of all the generations, regardless of their ethnicity, social background and class. He has made me trust artists for I give him the respect that he truly deserves. Please read more from
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